Saturday, August 14, 2010

Movie - The Princess Bride (1987)

The Princess Bride is another classic movie from the 80's. And though, yes, technically it is a book too, most people remember the movie first.

The thing about the Princess Bride is that, no matter what age you were when you watched it, whether you were a boy or a girl, there was always something to interest you. Most little boys were attracted by the sword fighting and wanted to be the Dread Pirate Roberts. And most little girls watched it for the love story and wanted to be just like Buttercup. And if you were a weird child, like me, you wanted to be Inigo Montoya, but that's 'cuz he kicks ass.

The storyline of the Princess Bride was so attractive because it followed the same path of everyone of your favourite fairytales...if they were all mashed together! It was perfect. The scenes were intense, no matter if you're with Princess Buttercup and Westley in the Fire Swamp avoiding capture by Prince Humperdinck or if you're Inigo Montoya finally face-to-face with the six-fingered-man. It's a very gripping tale.

And the cast, you couldn't find better people for the roles. Of course, young girls everywhere had swooned over Cary Elwes as Westley. And Mandy Patinkin portrayed Inigo Montoya with unforgettable grace. And Andre the Giant made Fezzik a truly amazing character. There really wasn't anybody who could play these characters better than the chosen cast.

Really, I can't see how anyone can leave this classic movie out of their DVD collection.


  1. Not that I wanted to, but I was always Fezzick...because children are not very imaginative.

  2. There were worse characters to be. You could have been Vezzini.

  3. I still want Wallace Shawn to be Chris Latta, or is it the other way around? Either way it should have been starscream saying Inconceivable! It works too well with his voice...Coooobbbrrraaaa!
