Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome to the New Year

Happy 2011!

Okay, so I'm almost a month late. But nevertheless, it is 2011!

So, I know Chaz and I have kinda disappeared since October. I can start by saying, we're sorry. We kinda got distracted, and busy, and okay, maybe a little lazy as well. The point is, we kinda let our reviewing slide. So, I decided to make a few changes.

You may notice (or maybe you won't. I don't know how closely you all track this tiny blog.) that I have changed e-mails. That's right. Everything I had previously written is under Neeni_Burn and all my future work will be under NeeniBurn. (Notice the stealthy use of an underscore? Amazing, right?) I did this for one reason, I don't use my old e-mail. Not since I changed web browsers and set everything up under this new, slightly more professional e-mail.

Shortly after my last review, writer Laura Resnick* (you may remember her as the author of the Esther Diamond series I reviewed in August) commented on my review of her work. And due to my busy schedule along with my changing e-mail addresses, I missed her comment until...well, until today. So I decided I should probably update everything and get back on track.

Secondly, I have removed my review of the Labyrinth. When I wrote that review, I had just finished watching a similar review on a well-known website. I was hoping to reference that review in my own, out of respect for the writer, but felt that I got slightly out of hand and possibly too carried away. I may be a bit too harsh on myself, but I felt it was unprofessional, so I removed it. The Labyrinth is still one of my favourite movies though so I may re-review it in the future. Properly, this time.

Lastly, I promise to update much more frequently. Once every few months is inexcusable. I know that this isn't the fanciest blog and it most definitely isn't very popular, but I feel that the few people who do visit or follow Crash and Burn Reviews deserve more than what we've been delivering.

So, I hope everyone makes the best of 2011, because I sure plan to.

* I'd also like to thank Laura Resnick. Knowing that she has read my review and that it made her day even just a little brighter is what helped me get back on track. So, in a way, she had encouraged me to continue my own writing. Thank you!